The service quality factors affecting repurchase decision ordering ready-to-eat food delivery service under the covid-19 situation in Chonburi
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The objectives of this research were to study the service quality factors of ready-to-eat food delivery service and to study the service quality factors affecting repurchase decision ordering ready-to-eat food delivery service under the COVID-19 situation in Chonburi. The sample group was 400 people who have used ready-to-eat food delivery service under the COVID-19 situation in Chonburi. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. The data were analyzed with statistics to find the percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Product Moment Correlation, and Multiple Linear Regression. The results were as follows; 1) Service quality factors of ready-to-eat food delivery service revealed that each aspect was at a high level. The highest level was providing the reliability to the customers. 2) Service quality factors and repurchase decision ordering ready-to-eat food delivery service revealed that the correlation in the same direction was at a medium level. 3) Service quality factors affecting repurchase decision ordering ready-to-eat food delivery service found that there were five factors as follows; preventing epidemics and pandemics of COVID-19 affected the repurchase decision to use the service the most, following by knowing and understanding the customers, reaction of the customers, objectiveness of the service, and building customer confidence respectively. Meanwhile the reliability factors did not affect the repurchase decision ordering ready-to-eat food delivery service under the COVID-19.
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