Administration and Logistics Management of Burley Tobacco

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Thammasak Kuaites
Theeraphon Thueanphae


The objectives of this study were to study the management and logistics systems of Burley tobacco and analyze the problems to find the solutions in strategic levels in Sukhothai province, where there is the most plantation in Thailand from stakeholder’s tobacco in upstream production. Snowball sampling, participant observation, area survey, and an interview form were applied with supply chain management, inbound logistics, SWOT Analysis, and TOWS Matrix to analyze the problems and find the strategic methods. The result found that the problems were classified into four aspects. First is cost and profit. Farmers created only one-way income from selling the tobacco and must invest in the harvesting equipment by themselves. Second is technology and facility. There was no standardized humidity meter, thus there was the risk of returned products. Also, the factory depended only on natural light and farmers were not able to access to information and technology including innovation. Third is communication. Farmers did not have much relationship and communication with the companies. Last is planning. Farmers lacked of knowledge in planning such as land management, storing, delivery, forecasting, and risky economic condition. These four aspects are regarded as the keys of the management and logistics of Burley tobacco.

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How to Cite
Kuaites, T. ., & Thueanphae, T. . (2021). Administration and Logistics Management of Burley Tobacco. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(3), 49–61. retrieved from
Author Biography

Thammasak Kuaites, Department of Service Industry, Faculty of Business Administration, Ramkhamhaeng University

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