Guidelines for Tourism Development in the World Heritage City and the World Creative City by the Sukhothai Old Town Community in the New Normal Course after the COVID-19 Situation

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Chaloempon Sritong
Teerapong Teangsompong


This article aimed to determine tourism potentials and create developmental guidelines in the world heritage city and the world creative city by the Sukhothai Old Town community in the new normal course after the COVID-19 situation. The qualitative approach was used to collect primary and secondary data using in-depth interview from purposively selected 18 key informants using semi-structured interview, snowball sampling, and participant observation, and the quantitative approach was used to collect data using a questionnaire from accidentally selected 400 key informants, and percentage and average were used for data analysis. Determination of tourism potentials was conducted using a focus group and data triangulation among government and non-government representatives and community leaders, and it was suggested to have 1) package tour improvement based on tourist behaviors and special interests, 2) continuous marketing communication to meet tourist needs, 3) tourist centers providing prerequisite information, 4) readiness preparation on service standards, languages, and tourism management, 5) product identity of Sukhothai Old Town, and 6) attraction’s notice sign improvement.

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How to Cite
Sritong, C. ., & Teangsompong, T. . (2021). Guidelines for Tourism Development in the World Heritage City and the World Creative City by the Sukhothai Old Town Community in the New Normal Course after the COVID-19 Situation. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(2), 103–114. retrieved from


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