The Facts of Investor Behavior in Long Term Equity Funds of Thailand Investor

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Siam Panjanapongchai
Thanomsak Suwannoi


The objective of this research is to present the facts of investment behavior in Long Term Equity Funds among investors in Thailand. The focus is on Long Term Equity Funds related to Bank and Non-Bank related Funds. Data of 79 funds between the year 2004 and 2019. Do analysis Random-effects panel data model found that (1) There are few investors who make rational decisions based on traditional economics. (2) Factors from being a commercial bank, Number of commercial bank branches and size of the fund significantly affect the changing trading volume of banks. (3) The net asset value per unit and the performance measure have a significant affect the changing trading volume. It shows that investors have a contrarian investment strategy. (4) Low fund management fees and high fund management fees that yield more returns will have a significant affect the changing trading volume. (5) The December Effect still appears in Long Term Equity Funds.

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How to Cite
Panjanapongchai, S., & Suwannoi, T. . (2021). The Facts of Investor Behavior in Long Term Equity Funds of Thailand Investor. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 15(1), 58–69. retrieved from


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