Guideline for rank promotion position of supporting staffs of Mahidol University

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Sakaewan Poolperm


Human Resources are at the paramount of organization development, owing to the fact that the skillful personnels directly indicate organizational success. Therefore, Human Resources Development is the key to drive the operation of corporate mission statement. Moreover, the educational institutes have an important role to promote, support and  motivate the personnels to improve their performances and professional competence. Mahidol University can drive its strategy to the success by guiding on competent human resources. Motivation as well as the good human resources system, such as a higher salary range, job security and more welfare, are essential for the supporting staff to well operate their work and to foster them to have enough ability for acquiring higher position. The aforementioned proesses would increase the number of promoted officers, which, in turn, help increase the efficiency of organization.

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How to Cite
Poolperm, S. . . (2020). Guideline for rank promotion position of supporting staffs of Mahidol University. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 164–175. retrieved from


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