The development of a soft skills model through self-learning for front-line service employees in service’s business

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Pratchayaporn Thongprasit
Sakarin Yuphong
Akkarat Poolkrajang


The purpose of this research was 1) to study the components of soft skills and self-learning for front-line employees working in the service business, 2) to develop a model for soft skills through self-learning 3) And to assess a manual for soft skills through self-learning. The representative samples were the 331 of front-line employees working in the service business. The research instruments were collected by interview forms and questionnaires. The results of this research revealed that there were 10 components of soft skills for front-line employees working in the service business listed in descending order as follows:
1) Communication 2) Thinking, analytical and problem-solving 3) Creative 4) Teamwork 5) Negotiation
6) Time management and working under pressure 7) Learning and information management 8) Leadership
9) Professional ethics 10) Positive attitude. And the component of learning soft skills consisted of 4 main elements as follows: 1) A needs Analysis of soft skills 2) Determining the goal of learning soft skills 3) Finding the methods of self-learning that corresponded to soft skills and 4. Self-assessment learning for soft skills.

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How to Cite
Thongprasit, P., Yuphong, S., & Poolkrajang, A. (2020). The development of a soft skills model through self-learning for front-line service employees in service’s business. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 97–108. retrieved from


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