Development of an Organic Marketing Model of Sustainable Agriculture Network, Lamphun

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Sakrannit Leksuit
Pongsiri Pituratjarurnkoon


The research of “The development of organic marketing of a sustainable agriculture network Lamphun” aims to find out an appropriate marketing management guideline. The target group in the study was divided into two main groups; the first group was the farmers in the area that are a member of the network, and the second group was organic produces consumers in the area of Lamphun. The data were collected in two ways; a qualitative method by using a questionnaire collecting farmer’s information, and an in-depth data collection method by interview and organised a farmer forum and members of the network, original funding, potential, and farmers' knowledge in the area. The duration of the project started between November 2017 to April 2019. The results found that the sustainable agriculture network Lamphun was to arrange a flea market for selling organic products in various areas of the district. Moreover, there should be an online marketplace. Additionally, encourage people in the area to have an organic restaurant or create a local organic food menu. Furthermore, promote organic produce by creating ‘stories’ for each product, arrange events to expand the marketing channel into school, hospital, hotel, and restaurant, also catering with organic products. Also, establish marketing networks in different areas and regions to exchange products and trading, and to organise organic agriculture tourism.

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How to Cite
Leksuit, S. ., & Pituratjarurnkoon, P. (2020). Development of an Organic Marketing Model of Sustainable Agriculture Network, Lamphun. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 76–87. retrieved from


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