The Effect of Creative Marketing and Content Advertising Strategy of Spending Behavior of Japanese Tourist’ Generation Y

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Prin Laksitamas
Chaiyapol Horrungruang
Pishnu Suntharanund


The research aimed at studying creative marketing and content advertising strategy of Thai tourism affecting spending behavior on goods and services of Japanese tourists of generation Y during   their stay in Thailand collecting information from Japanese tourists’ generation Y who travel to the famous tourist destination known to Japanese tourists. The research instrument used to collect this research data was Japanese questionnaire. The data were statistically analyzed with binary logistic regression. The research finding  indicated were rated at high level of agreement related to factors goods and service development, products design, products quality being identified by Japanese tourists’  generation Y.  In case of content advertising strategy of appreciation with good nature of each place of residence, uniqueness of local consumer goods, historical incident, location and transportation in content advertising affected spending behavior of Japanese tourists’ generation Y emphasizing sightseeing orientation at 0.05 statistical significance.

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Laksitamas, P. ., Horrungruang, C. ., & Suntharanund, P. . (2019). The Effect of Creative Marketing and Content Advertising Strategy of Spending Behavior of Japanese Tourist’ Generation Y. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(1), 29–41. retrieved from


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