Conceptual Framework of Human Resources Development of Innovation Potential in Thai Business Organizations in Digital Era

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Poramet Eamurai
Napaporn Khantanapha
Rapeepun Piriyakul


The objective of this article is to synthesize an innovative potential development conceptual framework of the human resources of Thai business organizations at digital era. By using the synthesis of related theories and researches to develop a conceptual framework which comprises three elements, such as, organizational support, self-support, knowledge absorption, that lead to the development of employee’s innovation capability. This article also shows that, to be able to successfully develop employee’s innovation potential. The business organizations need to consider three major factors, which are, organizational support, self-support, and knowledge absorption.

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How to Cite
Eamurai, P., Khantanapha, N. ., & Piriyakul, R. . (2020). Conceptual Framework of Human Resources Development of Innovation Potential in Thai Business Organizations in Digital Era. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 144–153. retrieved from


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