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Kannicha Imsombat
Apichat Lenanant


The purpose were to study: 1) development of 21st century learning of students in by applying participatory research approach, and 2) the results of 21st century learning development of students  . The research population consisted of 6 teachers in science learning area and 134 students in high school education 1-6 (Grade
7-12). The research tools were a handbook on development of 21st century, a test paper on the research for development of 21st century ,and focus group discussion of teachers. The data were analyzed by using percentage, progress percentage, mean, standard deviation. The research results were as follows: 1) For the development of 21st century learning of students, information, media, and technology skills, life and career skills were developed, and the learning and innovation skills, and 2) When the difference was tested by using t-test (t-dependent), were different with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

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Imsombat, K. ., & Lenanant, A. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF 21st CENTURY LEARNING OF STUDENS IN NONG CHUMSAENG SCHOOL BY APPLYING PARTICIPATORY RESEARCH APPROACH. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 64–76. retrieved from


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