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Saovanard Leklersindhu


The purposes of this research were: 1) to study the management of the excellence of the local administrative organizations awarded in the central provinces by 7S technique. 2) to propose a guideline for the development of management to excellence by using 7S techniques of local administration with good management. This research is qualitative and quantitative research. The concept of McKinsey (7S Framework) is a framework for research. Qualitative research was conducted through in-depth interviews and group discussions by seven municipal administrators and quantitative research was used as a tool to collect data. The sample was the administrators / officers of the provincial municipality in the central region who received the good management award. The sample consisted of three administrators / staffs in the municipality in the central region, who received three good management awards namely Suphan Buri municipality Khao Phra Ngam municipality and Sapphaya municipality total 237 personal.  The research result revealed that: Management of the excellence of the local administrative organizations awarded in the central provinces by 7S technique was at a high level for aspects. Make sure management of the excellence of the local administrative organizations awarded in the central provinces by 7S technique all 7 McKinsey variables are all connected. So that corporate excellence will arise from the interrelationship of all variables. With the management having to focus on all variables (Strategy, Structure, Staff, Style, Systems, Shared Values, Skills)

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How to Cite
Leklersindhu, S. . (2019). MANAGEMENT OF LOCAL ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATIONS IN CENTRAL PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(3), 41–51. retrieved from


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