Cost leadership, marketing mix and knowledge management affecting competition ability enhancement of exporters at Chong Mek border

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Sarayut Phorncharoen
Irada Phorncharoen
Sukrittaya Boonpa
Anuchit Phaenkham



            This research aims to study cost leadership, marketing mix and knowledge management affecting competition ability enhancement of exporters at Chong Mek border. The sample is 384 exporters at Chong Mek border calculated from the Cochran formula in case of the unclear number using convenience sampling method. Tool used in this research is 5-point scale questionnaire with reliability of .92. Statistics to test hypotheses are variance inflation factor, tolerance analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results are found that cost leadership, exporters define price added a little profit based on satisfaction of customers who can buy products with acceptable prices,
2) products are certified the standard, 3) personnel are fluent to use various equipment, 4) aspect of process, products deliver to destinations with the complete number from sources, and 5) aspect of knowledge management in the last year, companies could really apply exported technologies to enhance competition ability. There are five aspects that affect competition ability enhancement of exporters at Chong Mek border.

Keywords: Cost leadership, Export, Knowledge management, Competition ability

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How to Cite
Phorncharoen, S. ., Phorncharoen, I. ., Boonpa, S. ., & Phaenkham, A. . (2020). Cost leadership, marketing mix and knowledge management affecting competition ability enhancement of exporters at Chong Mek border. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(3), 135–146. retrieved from


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