Community Based Tourism Management by Tourist Destination Development Process

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Panasit Onya


This research is a study of tourism development process. By using the elements of factors that lead to the success of the management of 7 elements, 1. Planning of responsible tourism sites 2. Tourism area management
3. Management of access to tourist attractions 4. Facilities management 5. Management of quality providing services in tourist attractions 6. Management of tourism activities and 7. Management of environmental and natural conservation. Perform component analysis (Factor Analysis), which is a statistical technique to group or include variables that are related in the same group from the analysis, it can be divided into 9 elements. Therefore, in order to obtain guidelines for developing tourist sites. The researcher therefore used the elements from the analysis of 9 to form a tourism development process by integrating with community participation in tourism management. After that, check the data triangulation, including representatives from the Department of Tourism. Representatives from the Tourism Authority of Thailand and representatives from Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration. The researcher gave the name to this process that AEI3 tourist attraction development process (the development of tourist attraction is AIE to the 3rd power)


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How to Cite
Onya, P. . (2020). Community Based Tourism Management by Tourist Destination Development Process. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 45–54. retrieved from


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