Marketing mix and being an entrepreneur that affects the understanding of organic production in Ubon Ratchathani province

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Irada Phorncharoen
Marisa Klahan
Sabaiporn Suwannakood
Foyfon Kamhang


This research aims 1) to study marketing mix and entrepreneurship affecting the understanding of organic farm production in Ubon Ratchathani, 2) to compare marketing mix and entrepreneurship affecting the understanding of organic farm production in Ubon Ratchathani classified by age, educational level, monthly income, amount of family members, marital status and occupation. The sample is 355 persons by stratified random sampling. Statistics used for data analysis are percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-Test, F-Test and multiple regression analysis. Results are found that 1) most of them are male aged between 51-60 years old, the highest education is the primary school, monthly income is no more than 10,000 baht, amount of family members are 3-4 persons, status is married and occupation is farmer, 2) Discussion for each aspect, different ages make different ideas, educational levels make different ideas, different salaries make different ideas, different amount of family members make different ideas, different statuses make different ideas, different occupations make different ideas. For understanding, there are found that attitude about overall production factor is at a high level with mean of 3.86, standard deviation of 0.73, and for each aspect, there is found that organic farmers have got knowledge from friends and relatives to plant organic farm.

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How to Cite
Phorncharoen, I. ., Klahan, M. ., Suwannakood, S. ., & Kamhang, F. . (2020). Marketing mix and being an entrepreneur that affects the understanding of organic production in Ubon Ratchathani province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 109–119. retrieved from


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