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Neeranart Senachan
Patharaphorn Kiniphan
Nongnuch Chaipasuk
Samrith Sirikanerat
Dakanda Arunmala
Maleerat Saphio


The objectives of this research were:  1) to survey the current condition of the background factor of the parents, the channel to get the information in the upper northeastern. 2) to analyze the factors affecting the parents’ decision to choose the college for their children in northeastern region. The statistics used in this study were percentage, mean, standard deviation and confirmatory factor analysis to test the hypothesis and develop the component significantly.

The results found that 1) the current condition of the background factor of the parents most were female. The channel to get information from the university was from the website of the university. Most of them did not recognize the logo of the university. Most of parents focused on the private university according to their courses. 2) there were 5 positive factors affecting the decision to choose the college for the children including 1) place, equipment and facilities (Factor loading = .889) the variance was 79%  2) the quality of the students and graduates (Factor loading = .861) the variance was 74.1%  3) the innovation courses (Factor loading = .806) the variance was 64.9% 4) the lecturers (Factor loading = .796) the variance was 63.3% and 5) the social responsibility (Factor loading = .789) the variance was 62.3%.  The confirmatory factor analysis harmony with of element model and empirical data were chi-square = 259.662
P-value = .067 CMIN/DF = 1.144 RMSEA = .019  RMR = .091 CFI = .998  GFI = .953 และ AGFI = .933

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How to Cite
Senachan, N. ., Kiniphan, P. ., Chaipasuk, N. ., Sirikanerat, S. ., Arunmala, D. ., & Saphio, M. . (2019). THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION MAKING REGARDING HIGHER EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN IN THE UPPER NORTHEASTERN REGION. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 13(2), 92–102. retrieved from


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