Developing English vocabularies mastery and teamwork skill using flashcard game for public health student

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Kitthitar Wattanakornpisarn
Sompratana Ratanakul
Yuwadee Tirataradol
Yossiri Yossatorn


 The aims of this research were: to explore the effectiveness of the use of a flashcard game to enhance students’ English vocabularies, study students’ teamwork interaction, and find satisfaction of students after playing the flashcard game. This study used one-group pre-test post-test research design. The participants were 30 public health students. Three instruments were used: pre-test and post-test, questionnaires, and interview. The results were: (1) Students’ post-test mean score was significantly higher than pre-test. (2) Students rated their teamwork interaction at the highest level. (3) During an interview, students felt that the flashcards game make the learning process more exciting and interesting. (4) Students enjoyed playing this game and felt that it helped them to able to remember vocabulary better. The results of this study may help instructors to use this game to develop students’ vocabulary knowledge.

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How to Cite
Wattanakornpisarn, K., Ratanakul, S. ., Tirataradol, Y. ., & Yossatorn, Y. . (2020). Developing English vocabularies mastery and teamwork skill using flashcard game for public health student. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 9–20. retrieved from


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