A study desired characteristics of teachers in basic education school in the 21th century A STUDY DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHERS IN BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL IN THE 21th CENTURY

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Benjarat Ratchawang


This research aimed to study desired characteristics of teachers in basic education school in the 21th century and to compare characteristics of teachers in basic education school in the 21th century classified by education teaching experience and school size. The sample ramdom sampling were 120 basic education teacher who had a teaching and learning cooperation program with North Bangkok University. Questionnaire with 5 rating scale were used for data collection. The data were analyzed by a computer program with Mean, Standard Deviation and f-test. The research results were found that: 1) The desired characteristics of teachers in basic education school in the 21th century with highest levels were creator and producer, flexibility and adaptation. While Information and technology were the lowest levels. and 2) The compare characteristics of teachers in basic education school in the 21th century classified by education teaching experience and school size were not found to have significantly different.

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How to Cite
Ratchawang, B. . (2020). A study desired characteristics of teachers in basic education school in the 21th century: A STUDY DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHERS IN BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL IN THE 21th CENTURY. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 14(2), 88–96. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/177562


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