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เปรมศักดิ์ แก้วมรกฎ



The objective of this research was to study the political participation of adolescents in multicultural society. This study was a qualitative research. Through an in-depth interview, data were collected from key informants. Triangular technique was used to validate date. Contextual analysis was used to analyze and interpret data.

The results of this study indicated that the adolescents’ political participation was characterized by political discussion. Mainly they went for election voting as they viewed it as the major citizen duty. The desirable political participation included 1) the space for political expression is needed, 2) the election is needed, and 3) the participation in electing local administrators by themselves is needed.   In addition, the guidelines for enhancing adolescents’ political participation included 1) family plays an important role to build political consciousness of their members, 2) the schools should involve in the political education, 3) it is necessary for the community to build a political culture, 4) it is important to   cultivate the good and moral conducts, 5) the administrative agencies play an important role as they have direct responsibility.  Besides, the major problems and obstacles for adolescent’s political participation included 1) people especially those in distance villages could not access to political education, 2) there were the problems related to drugs among adolescents, causing their political ignorance, 3) for social-economic status, the family had insufficient income, forcing adolescents’ focus on working to support their life, 4) there was the problems of ubiquitous football gambling, and 5) adolescents were in fear of danger and did not need to interfere with political activities due to their fear of being the opponent’s target.


Keywords: Political participation, Multiculture, Adolescents, Participation

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How to Cite
แก้วมรกฎ เ. (2018). POLITICAL PARTICIPATION CULTURE OF YOUTHS IN MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY: A CASE STUDY OF THEPHA DISTRICT SONGKHLA PROVINCE. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 217–225. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/trujournal/article/view/148715


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