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อุษณีย์ ผาสุข
ชวลีย์ ณ ถลาง
สุทธินันทน์ พรหมสุวรรณ
สหนนท์ ตั้งเบญจสิริกุล



              This is a qualitative research. It aims to study the behavior of Wellness’s tourists concern Marketing’s Mix (7P’s) that appropriate for tourist’s satisfaction of Herbal City in Prachinburi Province. To assessment of Herbal City’s variables related and in order to propose the guidelines for the development of herbal city in Prachinburi Province to Attract Wellness Tourists. The data was collected using questionnaires for the sample group is 370 Wellness Tourists who were traveling in Herbal City by convenience sampling technique. To perform data analysis are used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Chi-Square) at the level of confidence of 95%.

              The results had shown that mainly female Wellness’s tourists. The age between 31-40 years old, with mainly education level at bachelor’s degree, most are employee having annual income 20,001-30,000 Bath per month. The behavior of Wellness’s tourists mainly been visited Herbal City than once, and searching for information from their family, relatives, and lovers. The purpose of their travel is health’s healing and promotion. Their family, friends and lovers travel with them. The popular activities are to buy the herbal product for nourishing and treating their health, traveling as One Day Trip, and mainly Wellness’s tourists who answered the questionnaires wanted to travel to Herbal City again. The satisfaction of Herbal City’s marketing from Wellness’s tourist mainly herbal product, employee, and distribution channels as the moderate level. Furthermore, most tourists regarded that the physical environment; convenience of traveling to the tourist attraction and Infrastructure were the most important obstacles for traveling. Also, it is found that the variables affecting to Herbal City’s marketing are general data and tourist behavior with statistically significant difference at the level of 0.05.

Keyword: Herbal city, Tourist’s behaviors, marketing mixes of the service market, wellness tourists

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ผาสุข อ., ณ ถลาง ช., พรหมสุวรรณ ส., & ตั้งเบญจสิริกุล ส. (2018). GUIDELINES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF HERBAL CITY TOURISM IN PRACHINBURI PROVINCE TO ATTRACT WELLNESS TOURISTS. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 150–162. retrieved from


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