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ภีม พรประเสริฐ
อมรรัตน์ พรประเสริฐ



The purposes of the research were to study the communicative English achievement and attitudes of the samplings by applying the sets of basic vocabularies of Pareto’s concept.  The study started with identifying 55 samplings, then asking the advice from the scholars in English fields in order to select the articles in the daily communicative level from weekly English newspaper.  Then the researchers randomly selected 400-page-article including 148,600 words.  Next, the researchers collected the group of basic vocabularies in everyday use and checked the frequent use of words in computer (Function Control F). The selected words were 1,000 words. Then the researcher conducted the evaluation form of study achievement and the attitudes in basic communicative English to use with the samplings.  The samplings were 55 students in the first year, majoring in logistics management, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University. The statistics used to analyze the data were the average and standard deviation.  To test the hypothesis of the research and the data relation, the researchers used t-test. The research results show that the communicative English achievement after applying the sets of vocabularies according to Pareto’s concept had increased at the significance of 0.05 and the attitudes toward the teaching were increased at the significance of 0.05.

 Keywords: The Study of Achievement, Attitudes, Communicative English, Pareto’s Concept

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How to Cite
พรประเสริฐ ภ., & พรประเสริฐ อ. (2018). THE STUDY OF COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT AND ATTITUTE BY BASIC VOCABULARIES OF PARETO’S CONCEPT. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 106–118. retrieved from


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