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นฤมล ศิระวงษ์



This research aimed at 1) examining literacy skills in preservice teachers at Srinakharinwirot University.  The literacy skills involved those required in the learning of teaching professional pedagogy courses and in the preservice teachers’ daily lives 2) investigating how to promote necessary literacy skills in preservice teachers at Srinakharinwirot University.  The subjects of the study were 300 Bachelor Degree students selected by stratified sampling from different faculties within Srinakharinwirot University during 2015.  The students were studying towards a teaching degree in different fields of studies.  The tools of the study were a questionnaire on information literacy, and a form for summarizing group discussions.  The statistics used were means and standard deviations.

This research found that 1) preservice teachers at Srinakharinwirot University had, in overall, moderate information literacy skills in both those required in the learning of teaching professional pedagogy courses and in the preservice teachers’ daily lives. 2) There were four components, 1) educational institutes or the faculties providing teacher training courses,  2) teacher training curriculums, 3) instructors, and 4) preservice teachers, in promoting literacy skills in preservice teachers at Srinakharinwirot University.

 Keywords: information literacy, information technology for teachers, preservice teachers

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How to Cite
ศิระวงษ์ น. (2018). INFORMATION LITERACY SKILLS IN PRESERVICE TEACHERS AT SRINAKHARINWIROT UNIVERSITY. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 96–105. retrieved from


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