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ศักดิ์ศรี สืบสิงห์
นิธินาถ อุดมสันต์
สุภิมล บุญพอก



                The research aims to 1) Study methods and guidelines for forest conservation. Community of Tambon Tha Muang Roi Et Province 2) To develop a forest conservation model community of Tambon Tha Muang, Roi Et Province by using environmental education and 3) To promote forest conservation community of Tambon Tha Muang, Roi Et Province to remain sustainable. The samples used in this study include people living in Tumbon Thamuang, Selaphum District, Roi Et. The tools used in this research consisted of questionnaires tests, assessments , observation and manual Forest conservation of the community. The statistics used to analyze the data , including statistics and statistical Pair t-test and One way ANOVA statistical analysis to the data in experimental research. The research found that: 1) The people living in Tumbon Thamuang, Selaphum District, Roi Et there are study how and Guidelines for Forest Conservation means at a high level with an average of 4.50 and standard deviation of 0.37.  2) The average score of knowledge about Water conservation behavior, Forest conservation behavior, Soil conservation behavior, The conservation of forest diversity was significantly higher than before the experiment at 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 and 0.05.  3) The develop model for Forest Conservation in Ban Tha Muang Selaphum Amphore Roi Et Province. Therefore, holding PAIC training with integration those variables would make peoples to have behavior and knowledge on Forest conservation behavior increasingly. Furthermore, with focus group discussion and experience exchanging make them understand and realize to employ environmental education and environmental conservation so this model should be able to use in other areas.

 Keywords: Development Model, Forest Conservation, Environmental Education

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How to Cite
สืบสิงห์ ศ., อุดมสันต์ น., & บุญพอก ส. (2018). THE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF FOREST CONVERSATOIN: A CASE STUDY IN DONGHUN FOREST BAN THA MUANG SELAPHUM AMPHORE ROI ET PROVINCE BY ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION PROCESS. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Thonburi University, 12(29), 77–87. retrieved from


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