การมีส่วนร่วมของพนักงานทุกระดับต่อกิจกรรมทางสังคมขององค์กรธุรกิจ กรณีศึกษา บริษัท ไทยเบฟเวอเรจ จำกัด (มหาชน)


  • นลินรัตน์ พิพัฒน์รังสรรค์ หลักสูตรบริหารธุรกิจ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนดุสิต


การมีส่วนร่วมของพนักงาน, กิจกรรมทางสังคม, องค์กรธุรกิจ



The purposes of this research were to (1) study and compare the overall opinions of Thai BeveragePublic Company Limited employees toward the approach and policy for social responsibility of businessorganization; and (2) study the relationships between personal characteristics and perception of employees onsocial activities of the company. This study employed a questionnaire as the data collecting instrument.It validity was verified by experts and its reliability coefficient was 0.926. The research sample was obtained bycluster sampling. A computer program was employed for data processing. Two types of statistical procedureswere employed for data analysis, namely, descriptive statistics comprising the frequency, percentage, mean, andstandard deviation; and inferential statistics comprising the t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and chi-squaretest. Research findings revealed that employees agreed at the highest level with the approach and policy on theorganization giving opportunity for every employee to participate in every social activity even though it couldnot increase its profit, and on the organization showing cordial responsibility toward the society with the desireto see the people having better life quality in the society and to create a good image for the organization.As for the perception on social activities of employees at every level, the majority of employees perceived thatthe organization had a policy to show responsibility toward the society because that was a marketing strategy ofthe organization under the context of highly competitive atmosphere of consumer products market in the present;while in the future the organization should reorganize for fair utilization of labor force in order to create agood image of the organization. The organization organized activities for society in the form of turning outgood quality products and services and communicated to employees regularly on organizing social activities.Employees were very proud to participate with the organization in organizing social activities. Regardingrecommendations from the study, it was concluded that the organization should seriously promote socialactivities with participation from employees in order to brainstorm for ideas, information and facts and toexchange opinions thoroughly on matters such as budget allocation for activities, and collection of problems ineach activity. Such participation would provide guidelines for further development toward more effective andsustainable activities in the future.

Keywords: Staff Participation, Social Activities, Business Organization



How to Cite

พิพัฒน์รังสรรค์ น. (2013). การมีส่วนร่วมของพนักงานทุกระดับต่อกิจกรรมทางสังคมขององค์กรธุรกิจ กรณีศึกษา บริษัท ไทยเบฟเวอเรจ จำกัด (มหาชน). Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 6(1), 82–91. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/5299



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