Author Guidelines
- JMSS Article Writing Guideline (PDF)
- Reference Guideline (PDF)
- Article Template
Guidelines for Writing and Submitting Original Manuscripts for Publication in Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences
Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences is an academic publication that aims to publish manuscripts such as original articles, review articles, and book reviews concerning multidisciplinary knowledge related to the field of humanity and Social Science and other related fields. The journal is published thrice annually. All manuscripts accepted for publication are copyrighted by Suan Dusit University; reproduction, in whole or in part, requires written approval from Suan Dusit Unversity. Excluding errors incurred during the printing process, all content contained within articles is the author's responsibility.
JMSS publishes 3 types of articles:
1. Research articles, which must not exceed 8,000 words, excluding citations.
2. Review articles, which must not exceed 10,000 words, excluding citations.
3. Book reviews, which must not exceed 10,000 words, excluding citations.
More information about the journal's format can be found in the 'Formatting Guidelines' subsection of this page.
Publication Process
- The journal accepts original manuscripts for consideration, from January to December.
- The editorial board adjourns to consider the merits or submitted manuscripts and the scope of the journal. During this phase the integrity and accuracy of the manuscripts content is assessed.
- An editorial letter is issued to the author for manuscripts that the editorial board deems inappropriate for publication. If the editorial board approves the manuscripts, an editorial letter will be sent to the author and the article will be subjected to peer review.
- Articles that are deemed appropriate for publication are subjected to peer review by a panel of three experts in the appropriate field. In order to be deemed appropriate for publication, an article must be by recommended two of the three experts.
- The qualitative assessments of the expert panel returned by the manuscript’s author. The author is expected to make the appropriate alterations indicated by the experts’ feedback.
- The author returns the edited document; the editorial staff examines the changes to make sure they are congruent with the experts' recommendations as well as the journal format.
- The editorial team conducts an accuracy check for all articles before sending the manuscripts to the printer to create a draft journal issue.
- The editorial board conducts a review of the draft journal issue before publication on the journal's website ( Suan Dusit University will place their official seal of approval on each page of the manuscript and to verify before formal publication.
- Upon approval by each author, the final version of the journal will be published as a physical journal and online publication, accessible on website ( Together with sending a physical journal to peer reviews, authors and involved sectors.
Publication Criteria
- The original manuscript is concise and interesting to the academic community.
- The content of the manuscript represents quality and theory of the discipline and also possesses knowledge with practical applications.
- The manuscript's content is consistent with the aim and scope of the journal.
- Manuscripts submitted to Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences must not have been published previously in or actively involved in the publication process of another journal.
- All content within the manuscript must be the product of the author himself. Any use of intellectual property within must be appropriately credited to its original authors.
- The author must comply with the writing style established by Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences.
- There are four levels of assessments given to reviewed manuscripts:
7.1 Acceptance without revision
7.2 Acceptance with minor revision
7.3 Acceptance with major revision
7.4 Rejection
In order to be assigned the "Accepted" status, an article must be assessed as “Requires minor or no revision prior to publication” by two of the three experts from the peer review process.
Formatting Guidelines
It is the author's responsibility to format manuscripts to the standards of Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences. The details of format style are contained herein,
- Format
1.1 Single page printing on A4 paper with a width of 19 cm and height of 26.5 cm. The vertical and horizontal spacing from the margins must be 3.5 cm and 25 cm, respectively.
1.2 Typefaces and layout: English must be typed using Time New Roman using Microsoft word. Specific font format guidelines are as follows.
1.2.1 The header contains the page number, aligned on the right side, in 12 pt. font.
1.2.2 The title in English languages must be 12 pt. font, bolded, and center aligned. The title should not exceed two lines of text.
1.2.3 The author's name in English language must be typed 9.5 pt. font and centered below the title. Asterisks (*) should proceed the authors' names which is correspond to the appropriate author.
1.2.4 Affiliations should match each author with their appropriate affiliated institutions and organizations. In case of different affiliations, superscript numbers should follow the surname1 and affliation1.
1.2.5 A footnote must be placed on the first page of the article with the text “*Corresponding Author”, the next line of text should contain “e-mail”, and the final line “**Affiliations” which specifies funding sources and agencies, for example “This research was supported by research grants from Suan Dusit University”.
1.2.6 “Abstract” in English must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, left aligned, and placed below the Thai keywords section. Abstract text must be 9 pt. font, with 1-tab indentation from left and right margins.
1.2.7 “Keywords:” should appear in English language in 9.5 pt. font, placed beneath the English abstract text and be aligned with the left margin. English keywords must be 9 pt. font, and should not exceed four words. Each keyword should be separated by a comma (,) and space.
1.2.8 Regardless of language choice, the main text headings used throughout the paper must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, and aligned with the left margin.
1.2.9 Bulleted items must appear as 9 pt. font, bolded, and be indented 1.5 tabs from the left margin.
1.2.10 Body text must appear as 9 pt. normal font, and be indented 1 tab from the left and right margins.
1.2.11 “References” must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded, and be aligned with the left margin. Individual entries must be 9 pt. font and should follow American Psychological Association (APA) formatting guidelines. Any lines of text for a single entry that exceed the first line should use a “hanging indent” of 1.5 tabs from the left margin.
1.2.12 Authors’ names in Thai must be 9.5 pt. font, bolded and be aligned with the left margin. Name should contain Mr., Mrs. and academic title for each author. Affiliations should be below in both Thai and English as 9 pt. font. An address must be listed for each author.
1.3 An appropriate page length for publication in the Journal is approximately 15 pages.
- Citing
Citations should follow ht e6th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA6) formatting guidelines.
- Ordering of Titles in Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences
The written manuscript may contain only English. The content should be easy to understand and clear. If the author uses abbreviations, the full word must appear before any abbreviation.
3.1 The title should be brief; length should not exceed 100 characters.
3.2 The authors if there are more than six authors, only the first author is listed, followed by “et al.”
3.3 Affiliated entities associated with the author should appear in English languages.
3.4 The abstract must be written in English language. The abstract should briefly summarize the research and not exceed 250 words or 15 lines of text.
3.5 The “Keywords” section must contain no more than four keywords that allow for appropriate searching and selection based upon the article’s topic.
3.6 The “Introduction” section should provide background information relevant to the research and provide information regarding the manuscript’s content.
3.7 A statement of purpose should accompany the article to explicitly state the purpose of the study.
3.8 The framework clarifies the dependent and independent variables examined in the study.
3.9 The “Methodology” section delineates the procedures, how the research was conducted, sampling method (i.e. simple random samples) and population, and the creation and development of research tools used for data collection and analysis.
3.10 The “Results” section presents data obtained during the research and may be displayed as tables, graphs, illustrations, and accompanying explanations. Tables should be not have left and right borders and are normally black and white printed. No more than five tables should be present in the “Results” section. Pictures within the section should be clear and use simple black and white coloring with an accompanying caption, the author wishes to use colors for any item they may do so; however, the author will be responsible for the additional costs of color printing.
3.11 The “Discussion” section should include a summary of the findings and address whether or not the data support the research hypothesis and compare research findings to other similar research works.
3.12 The “Suggestions” section should provide recommendations for the application of the current work as well as potential areas for future research inquiries.
3.13 The “Acknowledgement” section should include author’s statement of express gratitude or indebtedness to those involved in the research (If any).
Sending Original manuscript
- Compose the manuscript using the format of the Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences.
- Send the manuscript via the ThaiEs website.