

  • นิธิพัฒน์ สุทธิธรรม บัณฑิตวิทยาลัย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนดุสิต



The purpose of this study was to study the concordance of the roles of sub-district administrativeorganizations in Samut Sakhon province with the expectations of retail business operators for receiving supportsfrom the government agencies. Samut Sakhon ranked sixth in the country in terms of the value of grossprovincial products (GPP), and ranked second in the country in terms of GPP per Capita, with GPP comprisingthe agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. In the non-agricultural sector, production value from industry wasat the top, followed by those from whole sales business and retail business respectively. Due to the abovementionedfact, a study of retail business in Samut Sakhon province was interesting, and local governmentagencies such as local administration organizations should perform the roles in promoting and helping retailbusiness operators in Sumut Sakhon province to enable them to run their business strongly and sustainably.

The researcher had applied both qualitative research and quantitative research methodologies. Theinstrument used for qualitative research was the in-depth interviews with key informants who were governmentofficials from 18 sub-district administration organizations such as the chairman, or vice-chairman, or permanentsecretary of each sub-district administration organization. For the quantitative research, the researcher used aquestionnaire as the instrument for collecting data from 292 retail business operators in Samut Sakhon province.All gathered data were synthesized, interpreted, and processed by statistical procedures.

Findings from the qualitative research study showed that the roles of sub-district administrationorganizations in Samut Sakhon province comprised (1) development of infrastructure such as electricity, watersupply, and road; (2) provision of knowledge on and development of peopleûs occupations; (3) development oflabor skills in order to enable people to earn more income; (4) serving as a coordinator for agriculturists toenable them to get a loan from financial institutions; and 5) initiating developments in the local area, such aspromotion of commercial businesses in many fields. However, there was still no clear policy on directpromotion of retail business. Meanwhile, findings from quantitative research study showed that the problems oncurrent retail business included 1) the expansion of modern retail business from abroad, 2) the pricingcompetition from competitors, and 3) the decrease of the total amount of sales. The expectations of retail business operators in Samut Sakhon province for assistance and supports of sub-district administrationorganizations in Samut Sakhon province consisted of 1) the control of branch expansion of foreign retailbusiness enterprises, 2) the assistance on tax, and 3) the initiation of developments in local communities.

Regarding concordance of the expectations of retail business operators and the roles of sub-districtadministration organizations, it was found that the roles on initiating developments in local communities and ontax assistance were in accordance with the expectations of retail business operators; the expectation on thecontrol of branch expansion of foreign retail business enterprises was still not met by present roles ofsub-district administration organizations in Samut Sakhon province.



How to Cite

สุทธิธรรม น. (2013). บทบาทขององค์การบริหารส่วนตำบลต่อการส่งเสริมธุรกิจค้าปลีกในจังหวัดสมุทรสาคร. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 6(2), 117–126. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/5278



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