

  • รติยา สุทธิธรรม สาขาวิชานาฏยศิลป์ไทย ภาควิชานาฏยศิลป์ คณะศิลปกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย



This thesis aimed to study Jintaraûs dancing posture styles, and to analyze the roles and dancing posturestyles of Jintara in three episodes: Falling in Love, Inaw Getting into Jintaraûs Bedroom, and Inaw Saying GoodBye to Jintara. This study was conducted by researching related documents, interviewing, and practicing dancingpostures from experts in the field of Thai dancing. The research findings showed that Jintara was a mainheroine in the Thai drama play çInawé. Jintara was characterized as being a very beautiful woman with sulkyhabits who liked to use sarcastic words. She was kind to her inferiors, got angry easily but found it difficult toovercome her angry. Jintaraûs dancing posture styles in the three episodes were different as follows: The çFallingin Loveé episode was the first meeting between Inaw and Jintara. In this episode, the performers had tocommunicate their emotions through facial and eye expressions. In the "Inaw Getting into Jintaraûs Bedroom" episode, the dancing postures were those showing courting scene in which Inow approached Jintara to court herand show his love for her. The çInaw Saying Good Bye to Jintaraé episode was also a courting scene. In thisepisode, Jintara used sarcastic words to say to Inow to express her sulky feeling. This episode was consideredthe fine expressive episode for Jintara who showed the feeling of being sulky very well through her dancingpostures and facial and eye expressions. It could be concluded that Jintaraûs dancing postures were consideredto be a high level dancing art requiring that the performer needs to have good knowledge on and high levelskills of dancing in this heroine dancing performance, and be good at remembering dancing postures accuratelyso that they could pass on the dancing postures to future generations of dancers.



How to Cite

สุทธิธรรม ร. (2013). ลีลาท่ารำและบทบาทการแสดงตัวนางจินตะหราจากละครในเรื่องอิเหนา. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 6(2), 109–116. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/5276



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