

  • น้ำผึ้ง ไขว้พันธุ์ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนดุสิต



This research had the purposes to 1) study the marketing communication perception and the decisionprocess to buy life insurance of ordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis; 2) to comparethe marketing communication perceptions and the decision processes to buy life insurance of ordinary typeinsurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis, as classified by demographic factors; and 3) to study therelationship between the marketing communication perception and the decision process to buy life insurance ofordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis. The research sample for this study consisted of400 ordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis. Statistics employed for data analysisincluded the percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson simple correlation.From the results of study, it was found that the overall perception of marketing communications was at themoderate level. When each aspect of the marketing communications was considered, it was found that theaspect of sales promotion was perceived at the high level, with importance being given to the good services invarious aspects from the life insurance company; the aspect of sales provided by employees was perceived atthe moderate level, with importance being given to the good knowledge on details of life insurance policies andthe good sales techniques of insurance brokers; the aspect of advertisement was perceived at the moderate level,with importance being given to knowing the details of life insurance from television media; the aspect of publicrelations was perceived at the moderate level, with importance being given to knowing that life insurancecompanies had public relation campaigns on their organizational image via television media; and the directmarketing aspect was perceived at the moderate level, with importance being given to knowing the details oflife insurance via phone calls from life insurance company employees. Regarding the process of decision to buylife insurance of ordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis, their overall opinion was at thehighly agreed level. When each aspect of the decision process was considered, it was found that their opinions on the problem awareness aspect were at the highly agreed level, with importance being given to the reason forbuying the life insurance policy was because policy holders wanted to have savings for their future; theiropinions on the data search aspect were at the moderately agreed level, with importance being given tosearching for life insurance data from life insurance brokers; their opinions on the evaluation of alternativesaspect were at the highly agreed level, with importance being given to the consideration of the life insurancecompany image and the life insurance policy details for use in decision making; their opinions on the buyingdecision aspect were at the highly agreed level, with importance being given to the importance of decision tobuy life insurance because the policy holders realized the benefit of life insurance; and their opinions on thebehaviors after buying life insurance were at the highly agreed level, with importance being given to thesatisfaction with the benefits received from life insurance. From hypothesis testing results, it was found thatordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis with different ages differed significantly at the.05 level in their overall levels of perception on marketing communications and the decision process to buy lifeinsurance; while ordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis with different genders, maritalstatuses, educational levels, occupations, and averaged monthly incomes did not significantly differ in theiroverall levels of perception on marketing communications and the decision process to buy life insurance. It wasalso found that marketing communication perception had positive correlation with the decision process to buylife insurance of ordinary type insurance policy holders in Bangkok Metropolis at the .001 level of statisticalsignificance.





How to Cite

ไขว้พันธุ์ น. (2013). ความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างการรับรู้การสื่อสารทางการตลาดกับกระบวนการตัดสินใจซื้อประกันชีวิตของผู้ถือกรรมธรรม์ประเภทสามัญในเขตกรุงเทพมหานคร. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 6(2), 37–49. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/5259



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