

  • ภุชงค์ เมนะสินธุ์ คณะวิทยาการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนดุสิต



The objectives of this research were to 1) study the demographic factors, attitude towards dietary supplementproducts and dietary supplement product buying behaviors of people in Bangkok Metropolis; 2) study therelationships of demographic factors and attitude towards dietary supplement products with dietary supplementproduct buying behaviors of people in Bangkok Metropolis; and 3) present the guidelines for developmentof the dietary supplement products business. This research was a mixed-methodology research comprisingquantitative research and qualitative research. The quantitative research used the survey method to collect datafrom a sample of 400 people, aged 18 - 60 years, in Bangkok Metropolis, obtained by multi-stage sampling.The qualitative research used the in-depth interview method to obtain data from business operators who weredirectly in charge of management and planning of six brands of dietary supplement products. Data wereanalyzed using the frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation and chi-square test of the relationship.Research findings were that the majority of the sample was females, aged from 21 - 30 years, withbachelorûs degree educational level, with single status, with occupation as company employees, and withaveraged personal monthly income of 10,000 - 15,000 baht. Their overall attitude towards dietary supplementproducts was at the çstrongly agreeé level; and when attitude towards each aspect was considered, it was foundthat the attitude towards every aspect of dietary supplement products was in the çstrongly agreeé level, with thetop rating mean being that of the distribution aspect, followed by those of the product aspect, the promotionaspect, and the price aspect respectively. As for the dietary supplement product buying behaviors of themajority of the sample, it was found that they would search for information before buying dietary supplementproducts; the most important reason for choosing to buy dietary supplement products was that they wanted theirbodies to be healthy; the brand that they consumed at the present time was Nutrilite brand; the reason why theychose to buy this brand was that the brand was being known to them; the product form that they chose andconsumed the most was that of the pills; the buying expense in each month was from 1,000 - 2,000 baht; thedistribution place that they chose to buy was to order through independent sales agents; in case the wantedbrand could not be bought, they would wait until the wanted brand was available; and the persons having thehighest influence on buying decisions were themselves. As for the results of testing Hypothesis 1: Demographicfactors significantly correlate with dietary supplement product buying behaviors of people in BangkokMetropolis, it was found that 1) gender significantly correlated with the brand that they consumed at the presenttime and the persons having the highest influence on buying decision at the .001 level; and significantlycorrelated with the search for information before buying and the product form that they chose and consumed atthe .01 level; 2) age significantly correlated with the most important reason for choosing to buy, the brand thatthey consumed at the present time, the buying expense in each month, and the distribution place that they choseto buy at the .001 level; and significantly correlated with the reason why they chose to buy this brand whenthe wanted brand was not available and the persons having the highest influence on buying decision at the .05level; 3) educational level significantly correlated with the buying expense in each month at the .001 level;significantly correlated with the search for information before buying, the most important reason for choosing tobuy, and the brand that they consumed at the present time at the .01 level; and significantly correlated with thereason why they chose to buy this brand, the product form that they chose and consumed, and the distributionplace that they chose to buy at the .05 level; 4) marital status significantly correlated with the buying expensein each month and the distribution place that they chose to buy at the .01 level; 5) occupation significantlycorrelated with the most important reason for choosing to buy and the buying expense in each month the .001level; and significantly correlated with the distribution place that they chose to buy, the reason why they choseto buy this brand when the wanted brand was not available, and the persons having the most influence onbuying decision at the .05 level; 6) the averaged personal monthly in-come significantly correlated with themost important reason for choosing to buy, the buying expense in each month, the distribution place that theychose to buy, and the reason why they chose to buy this brand when the wanted brand was not available at the.001 level; significantly correlated with the brand that they consumed at the present time at the .01 level; andsignificantly correlated with the search for information before buying and the product form that they chose and consumed at the .05 level. As for the results of testing Hypothesis 2: Attitudes towards dietary supplementproducts significantly correlate with dietary supplement product buying behaviors of people in BangkokMetropolis, it was found that 1) attitude towards the product aspect of dietary supplement products significantlycorrelated with the buying expense in each month at the .001 level; significantly correlated with the search forinformation before buying and the distribution place that they chose to buy at the .01 level; and significantlycorrelated with the most important reason for choosing to buy, the brand that they consumed at the presenttime, the product form that they chose and consumed, and the persons having the highest influence on buyingdecision at the .05 level; 2) attitude towards the price aspect of dietary supplement products significantlycorrelated with the brand that they consumed at the present time, the buying expense in each month, and thedistribution place that they chose to buy at the .001 level; and significantly correlated with the most importantreason for choosing to buy, the reason why they chose to buy this brand, and the persons having the highestinfluence on buying decision at the .01 level; 3) attitude towards the distribution aspect of dietary supplementproducts significantly correlated with the search for information before buying and the brand that theyconsumed at the present time at the .001 level; significantly correlated with the product form that they choseand consumed at the .01 level; and significantly correlated with the buying expense in each month and thedistribution place that they chose to buy at the .05 level; 4) attitude towards the promotion aspect of dietary supplement products significantly correlated with the search for information before buying at the .01 level; andsignificantly correlated with the reason why they chose to buy this brand and the distribution place that theychose to buy at the .05 level.




How to Cite

เมนะสินธุ์ ภ. (2013). ลักษณะทางประชากรศาสตร์และทัศนคติต่อผลิตภัณฑ์เสริมอาหารที่มีความสัมพันธ์กับพฤติกรรมการซื้อผลิตภัณฑ์เสริมอาหารของประชาชนในกรุงเทพมหานคร. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 6(2), 9–24. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/5255



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