Conceptual Understanding of Mathematics among Pre-service Teachers: A Socio-Metacognitive Structural Model Generation
Mathematical mindset, Metacognition, School climateAbstract
The study developed a best-fit structural model of pre-service teachers' (PSTs) conceptual understanding of mathematics by examining factors like mathematical mindsets, school climate, and metacognition. Conducted in three teacher education institutions in Northern Mindanao, Philippines, the study involved 823 PSTs during the 2022-2023 school year. Four research instruments were used: a mathematics conceptual understanding test and scales for measuring mathematical mindset, school climate, and metacognition, all validated by experts and tested for reliability. Data analysis included using the mean to assess levels of the key factors, Pearson correlation to explore relationships, and regression to identify predictors of conceptual understanding. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed to generate the best-fit model based on goodness of fit indices. Results showed that PSTs had an incomplete level of conceptual understanding of mathematics, despite high levels of mathematical mindsets, positive school climates, and strong metacognition. All three factors were significantly and positively correlated with conceptual understanding. The model revealed that mathematical mindsets, school climate, and metacognition significantly predicted PSTs' conceptual understanding. The best-fit model, called the Socio-Metacognitive Conceptual Understanding Model for PSTs (SCUMPT), suggested that PSTs' conceptual understanding is shaped by the reciprocal interaction between their metacognitive skills and awareness within a supportive school environment.
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