THE BIG IDEA Suan Dusit One World Library – Turn Ideas into Reality


  • Sirote Pholpuntin Suan Dusit University, Bangkok 10300, Thailand


One World Library, Learning Resource, University Library, Library Café


Over the years the perspective of a library has gradually changed. Between the period of 2001 and 2019 there was a sharp decline in the number of libraries around the world, people realized that the traditional libraries were no longer inviting readers. Globally, libraries have adapted to the needs of the modern era. They are no longer just a place to borrow books they have become a place for
promoting learning and the space is designed such that the exchange of knowledge takes place freely. In 2022, Suan Dusit University adopted the term “One World Library” as its policy to improve the learning resources that are not supposed to be limited to the library only, but also to open to all spaces of the university as the ultimate learning resources for all learners. The following paper is a discussion of reasons, visions and implementation for the library changes at Suan Dusit University.


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How to Cite

Pholpuntin, S. . (2023). THE BIG IDEA Suan Dusit One World Library – Turn Ideas into Reality. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 19(3), 104–111. retrieved from



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