Coffee Products and the Protections Under the Aspect of Geographical Indication (GI) Law: A Case Study of Doi Tung Coffee


  • Panitipad Suksomboon Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University , Bangkok, 10330 Thailand


Geographical Indication, Coffee, Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)


Geographical Indications are granted to products with a particular geographical origin and qualities or a reputation attributable to that origin. It appeared to be an instrument utilized by many countries not only to reassure the consumers of the promised characteristic of products and but also to increase the economic value of specific products including the coffee product which is the most valuable
and traded tropical agricultural product planted all around the globe. The purpose of this article is to analyze and demonstrate certain differences in protection for coffee products within the scope of geographical indication law in a variety of jurisdictions, as well as the implications of geographical indication for coffee products. This article will concentrate on the current protections stipulated in
Thailand and the European Union as well as using Doi Tung Coffee as a case study that has been established and expanded its market capacity. Due to the fact that Thailand and European Union have jurisdictions that are distinct legal frameworks, obstacles pertaining to Doi Tung Coffee's experience are discussed.


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How to Cite

Suksomboon, P. (2023). Coffee Products and the Protections Under the Aspect of Geographical Indication (GI) Law: A Case Study of Doi Tung Coffee. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 19(3), 23–31. retrieved from



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