Constructive Community Engagement: The Experiences of the Elementary Laboratory (ELS) Teacher-Extensionists


  • Lolita A. Dulay College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Bukidnon, 8700 Philippines
  • Albert A. Villanca College of Education, Bukidnon State University, Bukidnon, 8700 Philippines


Constructive, Community, Engagement, Experiences, Extensionists


The study explored the experiences of the elementary laboratory school teacher/extensionists of the Bukidnon State University (BukSU) College of Education (CoE) between 2016 to 2019. The research investigates various aspects of their involvement, including learning outcomes, delivery, and instructional materials, resource persons/trainers, and venues and facilities, within the context of
constructive community engagement. Additionally, the study explores the alignment of these projects with the BukSU Framework, as well as national and international goals. A qualitative method of research was employed, utilizing validated research-made interview guide questions in gathering the data from nine (9) teacher/extensionists who actively participated in the projects. The data analysis
follows Creswell's 2013 research method, comprehensively examining the collected data. The analysis reveals ten prominent themes that emerged among elementary laboratory school teacher/extensionists. These themes encompass a range of experiences specific to the extensionists such as; Unyielding Resolve: Conquering Challenges, Embracing Growth, Conquest through Adversity: Embracing
Challenges, Thriving, and Succeeding, Savoring Success: Seasoned Support, Tasty Triumphs, Inspiring Success through Skillful Support, Journey of Joy: Embracing Adventure, Empowering Minds, Victorious Quest: Mastering Document Challenges for Honorarium Claim Success, Rising above Limits: Empowering Few, Leaving a Lasting Legacy, Empowerment in Action: Extended Training
for Community Transformation, Cultural Heritage Revived: Nurturing the Legacy of Binukid Language in the Community, Unite, Empower, Inspire: Igniting Compassionate Engagement for Joyful Community Transformation. The findings of this study have practical applications for benchmarking and can serve as a basis for revisiting the policies and guidelines of university projects,
thereby improving project implementation. Moreover, the results hold significance in enhancing the effectiveness and impact of future projects undertaken by Bukidnon


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How to Cite

Dulay, L. A. ., & Villanca, A. A. (2023). Constructive Community Engagement: The Experiences of the Elementary Laboratory (ELS) Teacher-Extensionists. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 19(3). retrieved from