Unveiling Physicians’ Work Passion amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study from a Hospital in Thailand
COVID-19, Thai medical context, Work passion, PhysicianAbstract
This qualitative study explored the key components of work passion among physicians in the Thai medical context during the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews using an appreciative inquiry approach with 30 full-time physicians employed at a Thai public hospital. The study identified ten key themes of work passion, corresponding to three dimensions: Cognitive (can-do attitude, learning and knowledge development), Affective (enthusiasm, joy, pride, fulfillment), and Behavioral (going above and beyond, altruism, continuous growth, and commitment to remain in the organization and profession). This conceptualization of physicians' work passion provides a foundation for future research in Thai healthcare, contributing to theoretical understanding and guiding the development of precise measurement tools for more accurate assessment. A deeper understanding of work passion may help improve healthcare management, ultimately enhancing clinical practice.
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