Model of Participatory Integration of Student Supervisory System
Participatory Integration, Student Supervisory System, Secondary EducationAbstract
This research aims 1) to study operation factors of participatory integration of student supervisory system and 2) to study the two approaches of participatory integration of student supervisory system by applying qualitative research which consists of interview, observation and analysis of the obtained data. This research found that 1) the operation factors of student supervisory system relates to external factors, including the policies of the Ministry of Education, Office of the Basic Education Commission, the executives of educational institutions, external authorities and organizations, and the support from external authorities in relation to direct educational service and student development. In addition, the internal factors, including personnel responsibility of student supervisory system service provision, such as skills, knowledge and personalities of such personnel, and the roles and duties of the parties concerning the operation of student supervisory system are also important for the operation. 2) The results found that the student supervisory system can be operated in two models as follows: (1) driven by the teachers and executives in an integrated manner of the whole school, and (2) driven by the lead teachers through the support of external authority network. In this regard, the
operation of student supervisory system should be carried out with an awareness of the context of schools which is an important variable in application of the guideline of the operation of student supervisory system.
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