Thailand as a Tourist Destination for Nightlife: Comparison of Asian and Western Tourists’ Attitudes


  • Kallayanee Kamolvisit Hospitality and Tourism Management, Graduate School of Business, Assumption University


Nightlife Destination, Push and Pull Factors, Tourist’ Attitudes, Tourist Decision Making


This study aimed to examine attitudes towards nightlife in Thailand between Western and Asian tourists. Thus, the objectives were defines as:
1. To investigate the push and pull factors for tourists to visit Thailand for the nightlife and to understand how these likely differ between Western and Asian tourists.
2. To explore the influence of tourists’ attitudes from destination image perception to Thailand as a destination for nightlife on tourists’ overall satisfaction, intention to return, and intention to recommend Thailand to others
The study used Mixed Method Approach; Qualitative and Quantitative approaches to survey and to interview the factors influencing tourists who experience Thailand nightlife. Select the sampling group from the 300 tourists by Accidental Sampling. Then, divide into Western and Asian as the research population. The area of the study was specifically selected to be the nightlife in Bangkok. The results demonstrate that the tourists attain a high-level satisfaction with the experiences of nightlife in Thailand. All push and pull factors were considered to be important in motivating and attracting them to visit nightlife in Thailand. This study confirms that the importance of destination decision process is on Information Search / Evaluation and Decision Platform, which allowed all related parties to exploit the marketing campaign planning. It is suggested that the Thai government and all related parties launch marketing communication and promotion to all countries in the same way.


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How to Cite

Kamolvisit, K. (2023). Thailand as a Tourist Destination for Nightlife: Comparison of Asian and Western Tourists’ Attitudes. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(3), 42–51. retrieved from



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