Metadiscourse Markers Analysis Used in Communication Research Articles


  • Sompoet Panawas Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suan Dusit University


Markers, Metadiscourse, Communication Research Articles


This research aims to analyze the metadiscourse markers used in communication research articles in terms of studying: (1) the frequency of using metadiscourse markers, (2) the differences between the metadiscourse markers used in the introduction part and the discussion part of the communication research articles and (3) the correlation of 14 metadiscourse markers in 4 categories of metadiscourse markers; self-mention words, attitudinal markers, boosters and hedge. The language data corpus used is 20 communication research articles and only the introduction parts and discussion parts of each research article were analyzed. The instruments used are (1) AntConc 3.2 computer program for research articles random and (2) PASW 18.0 computer program for statistical analysis. The findings revealed that: (1) the three most frequently used markers are attitudinal markers; adjective, booster; verb and hedge; modal verb, (2) there are 9 metadiscourse markers used in the introduction parts and the discussion parts that are significantly different and the other 5 markers are not significantly different and (3) there are 13 metadiscourse markers used in the communication research articles that show correlation and 1 marker that shows no correlation.


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How to Cite

Panawas, S. (2023). Metadiscourse Markers Analysis Used in Communication Research Articles. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 15(3), 12–19. retrieved from



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