A Causal Model of Safety Working Behavior in the Rubber Wood Industry
Causal models, Safety behavior, Rubber Wood IndustryAbstract
This survey research aimed to develop causal models of work safety behavior in the Rubber Wood Industry. The sample groups of this research were 440 manufacturing workers from 89 factories. The research instrument consisted of questionnaires with the rating scale and analysis of the data using descriptive statistic include frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, variables distribution and correlation, the relationship between factors and measurement Model, Confirmatory Factor Analysis: CFA and Structural Equation Model using AMOS v.21 program.
The study found that the developed causal models’ compliance with empirical data at the acceptance criteria of Goodness of Fit Index with the index value of χ2/df equal to 1.189, CFI equal to 0.996, GFI equal to 0. 965, AGFI equal to 0.935, RMSEA equal to 0.022. In addition, the results found that (1) safety climate has direct influence on safety knowledge. (2) safety knowledge has direct influence on safety behavior (3) safety climate has direct influence on safety motivation (4) safety motivation has a direct influence on safety behavior. (5) safety climate has direct influence on safety attitude (6) safety attitudes have a direct influence on safety behavior (7) personality has direct influence on safety behavior (8) personality has direct influence on safety attitudes (9) safety knowledge has direct influence on safety motivation. (10) safety motivation has a direct influence on safety attitudes. The suggestions from the research are to study work safety behavior of the other sample groups or in other industrial areas with the same variables. The government and organizations may use the findings as a guideline for safety protection and help in resolving problems concerned with safe working behavior.
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