The Perceived Benefits of High-speed Trains: A Case study of Nanning City, China


  • Yangyang Li International College, Maejo University, Thailand
  • Napat Ruangnapakul International College, Maejo University, Thailand
  • Winitra Leelapattana International College, Maejo University, Thailand
  • Prayong Kusirisin International College, Maejo University, Thailand


high-speed rail, perceived value, travel decision-making


This study fills the conceptual gap by identifying the dimensions of perceived value of high-speed rail and examining the relationship between perceived value and travel decision, in order to gain an improved understanding of tourists' perceived value of high-speed rail, specifically in the Nanning high-speed rail sector. In this study, we collected 449 valid questionnaires through convenience sampling for analysis. The research results show that: (1) Through exploratory factor analysis, it is verified that the perceived value of high-speed rail includes four dimensions: time value, spatial value, experience value, and cost value. (2) Through variance analysis, it is verified that income significantly affects the four dimensions of high-speed rail perceived value and travel decisions. (3) Through correlation analysis, it is verified that the four high-speed rail dimensions all positively impact travel decision-making. (4) Through the multiple regression analysis, cost value has the greatest impact on travel decision. This study has highlighted the role of perceived value in travel decision. We believed that the findings offer reliable and important insights for research and practice of high-speed rail.


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How to Cite

Li, Y., Ruangnapakul, N., Leelapattana, W., & Kusirisin, P. (2023). The Perceived Benefits of High-speed Trains: A Case study of Nanning City, China. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 19(1), 63–71. retrieved from



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