Assessing Online Academic Integrity and Humanized Teaching in Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University


  • Jason V. Chavez Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University, Philippines


Academic integrity, Humanized teaching


This study investigates how to effectively engage students in academic honesty and allow them to learn through the essence of humanized teaching. A total of 250 teachers and students were surveyed, and in-depth analyses were carried out to assess the practices of academic integrity mechanism and the experiences of humanized teaching among teachers and students. The findings suggest that the institution has the role to introduce new strategies to implement policies on academic integrity to increase the honesty of the students. The institution must control the learning setting to encourage students to remain honest. Clearly, social, cognitive, and teaching presences are highly prevalent in educational systems. Cognitive presence is the most remarkable component of humanized teaching. It is statistically different from computer literacy, indigent status, and course types. Organizational and institutional contexts are also relevant to academic integrity. For learners to be encouraged in continuing a productive academic experience, the degree of personal connection, competence, autonomy, or independence should be included in humanized teaching. The study is significant for Higher Education to elaborate and formulate their goals for humanized teaching and learning while upholding academic integrity.


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How to Cite

V. Chavez, J. (2023). Assessing Online Academic Integrity and Humanized Teaching in Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 19(1), 9–17. retrieved from



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