Organizational Culture of State Universities: Cultivating Through the Lens of Faculty


  • Albert A. Villanca Bukidnon State University, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, Philippines


Organizational culture, State universities, Action plan


Organizational culture is an important concept in understanding the dynamics and management of the performance of any organization. This study sought to reexamine the implications of organizational culture to the academic community of two state universities in Bukidnon, Philippines. The study employed a descriptive-cross-sectional method design with the use of descriptive statistics and qualitative data analysis. The results revealed that generally, the organizational culture of the two state universities in terms of involvement, consistency, adaptability, and mission traits were high. The faculty suggested a plan of action to cultivate the organizational culture which included: constant cascading of information to all stakeholders to develop mission traits; future thinking that anticipates future demands should be implemented to cultivate adaptability; building stronger employee relationships that provides opportunities to express opinions, provide concrete processes so that decision making would be easier for the top management, and designate school officials to be guided by the law.


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How to Cite

A. Villanca, A. (2023). Organizational Culture of State Universities: Cultivating Through the Lens of Faculty. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 19(1), 1–8. retrieved from