The Study of Undergraduates' Satisfaction and Loyalty in Gocheck System
Satisfaction, Loyalty, Undergraduate, Gocheck systemAbstract
This research paper aims to explain the factors that impact undergraduate students' satisfaction and loyalty in Gocheck system. The conceptual framework was developed based on previous three theoretical models, and derived with seven variables for the study namely, image, perceived valve, perceived quality, service quality, satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. The research has applied quantitative approach in data collection and analysis by distributing questionnaires to undergraduate students of three majors who are currently using Gocheck system at Yunnan Normal University, China (n=500). Multistage sampling techniques of judgmental sampling, stratified sampling and convenience sampling were used for data collection. The collected data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to confirm model fit, reliability, and validity of the constructs, and test the research hypotheses proposed. The results explicated that undergraduates' loyalty in Gocheck system was formulated from their satisfaction, which the direct antecedents of satisfaction were trust and perceived value, and indirectly affect by perceived quality. Image, perceived quality, and service quality has lack of direct significant effect on satisfaction. Therefore, the higher education institutions, system developers and marketing practitioners were advised to strengthen and promote the system performance, features, and functionalities in order to demonstrate the trust in the system and the advantages from services offered. This could help students by ensuring academic integrity in their scholarly works and foster their satisfaction and repetitive usage in Gocheck system.
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