Toward A Theory of Humanized Organization Development
Humanized organization development, Workplace spirituality, Complexity, Theory-building researchAbstract
Under the current complex phenomena, organization management involves a certain number of challenges that organization theorists have to work upon. The rationale of this study is to overcome the philosophical challenge and the practical problems in organization development (OD). The OD practical problems include OD’s undefined and unclear boundaries with a significant declining trend and the unaligned collaboration between academics and practitioners, while the OD philosophical challenge involves the influential power of Newtonian science. This study aimed to revitalize the OD discipline by integrating the paradigm of postmodernism and the human spiritual dimension, intending to propose the construction of Humanized Organization Development (HOD). This study employed a theory-building research method by following Lynham’s General Method (Lynham, 2013), integrated with Van de Ven's Engaged Scholarship (Van de Ven, 2011). As the result, the conceptual framework of HOD consisted of three paradigms: complexity, dialogic OD, and workplace spirituality. Finally, emerging constructs and conceptualizations of HOD were proposed that included the HOD foundation, process, and practice.
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