STEM Education for Developing Undergraduates’ 21st Century Skills


  • Chanisara Metpattarahiran Faculty of Science and Technology, Suan Dusit University, Thailand


STEM education, Mathematics, Undergraduate


STEM education is a learning approach that integrates science, technology, engineering, and mathematics with a focus on students’ application of knowledge and technology for solving problem. Engineering design process is included in STEM education with a purpose that students can develop innovation during their collaborative work. STEM education helps students develop skills in critical thinking, communicating, creative thinking, and teamworking. These skills are relevant to those necessary for living in the 21st century. Currently, STEM education is implemented in kindergarten, primary, and secondary levels. In addition, vocational and undergraduate levels start implementing STEM education with a purpose to develop students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities. Teacher plays an important role to transfer knowledge and encourage students to learn. Also, teacher has to motivate students to apply knowledge to solve real-life problems which will be effective for their future career.


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How to Cite

Metpattarahiran, C. (2023). STEM Education for Developing Undergraduates’ 21st Century Skills. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 17(3), 82–87. retrieved from



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