The Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption in the Banking System: A Case Study of Myanmar’s Banks
Cloud computing, Technology adopting, Banking system, TOE frameworkAbstract
Many organizations are shifting towards cloud computing to facilitate customer transactions, hence cloud computing has become an interest to multiple banks in the financial sector. The purpose of this research is to examine the determinants of cloud computing adoption in the banking system of two selected banks in Myanmar. The research framework with three hypotheses was developed based on the theories and previous research studies. First- and second-order technique was applied to investigate the causal relationships between the variables in different perspective of technology context, organization context, and environmental context. Multi-stage sampling technique was applied by using probability and non-probability sampling method to nominate a representative target population for quantitative research. Stratified random sampling was firstly employed to proportionately divide the target population to two commercial banks in Myanmar and purposive sampling was used to reach the target respondents who worked relatively with the cloud systems. The samples were collected from 770 respondents via offline questionnaires distribution. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation model (SEM) were conducted to examine the data, confirm goodness-of-fit and validity of the model, and testing the hypotheses. The results have indicated that environmental context has the highest influence in determining cloud computing adoption in the banking system, followed by organization context and technology context. Therefore, it is important for the bank owners and top management to acquire knowledge and trends of banking industry in order to develop a cloud-based infrastructure that best react and competitive to the marketplace in an instant.
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