A Study on Factors Influencing Chinese Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Intention of Online Shopping for Thai Products


  • Yolamas Jeerasantikul Bachelor of Accountancy Program, Kanchanaburi Campus, Mahidol University, Thailand


Consumer, Attitude, Intention, Online, Thai


Past literature suggests that consumers’ attitude has a direct influence on buying intention. However, the evaluation of both positive and negative attitudes towards purchase intention on motives had been scarce. Hence, this research attempts to examine the factors influencing Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward intention of online shopping for Thai products and constructs drawn from functional and non-functional motives are conducted to identify factors that potentially affect Chinese online consumer decision making for purchasing Thai products. A survey was carried out of 303 consumers who had purchased Thai products. Multiple Regression in structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied for data analysis. As expected, different culture, previous purchasing experience, consumer style and merchant’s trustworthiness were found to have a significant relationship in explaining the attitude of always eager to buy Thai products towards online shopping intention. Nevertheless, perceive brand value was found to have no significant relationship with the attitude of always eager to buy Thai products toward online shopping intention. The results of this study indicated that different culture and previous purchasing experience can also explain the attitude of very cautious to buy Thai products toward online shopping intention. It is important for the manufacturers and the Thai government to implement programs for building brand awareness, the recognition of different cultures and improvement of service quality as they are the main contributing factors that enhance continual use of Thai products.


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How to Cite

Jeerasantikul, Y. (2023). A Study on Factors Influencing Chinese Consumers’ Attitudes Towards Intention of Online Shopping for Thai Products. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences, 17(2), 33–39. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/sduhs/article/view/268171



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