Factors Influencing Thai Tourists' Decision Making to Choose Dvaravati Civilization for Tourist Attractions
Dvaravati Civilization-based, Tourist behavior, TouristAbstract
The objective of this research was to study tourist behavior of Dvaravati civilization-based tourist attractions and find ways to develop tourist behavior of Dvaravati civilization-based tourist attractions. The researcher conducted a random survey of 18,361,221 tourists who visited the Dvaravati Civilization-based tourist attractions. The sample group consisted of 400 Thai tourists aged 20-60 years. Statistical tools used in the data analysis included percentage, mean and standard deviation Cronbach's Alpha was used to assess the reliability of the questionnaire scored at 0.980. Multiple regression analysis was also used to test the correlation among the variables.
The findings showed overall opinions of tourists toward tourism behavior of Dvaravati civilization-based tourist attractions were at a high level in all aspects. For each aspect, it was found that reputation of tourist attractions was ranked first, followed by rank two asthe beauty of the tourist attractions and third rank was the value of tourism. Whereas tourism services and facilities were ranked the lowest. As for the relationship with the Dvaravati Civilization-based tourist attraction management, it was found that the relationship was at a high level of 0.601, and factors influencing Thai tourists' decision making to choose Dvaravati civilization affects the potential of Dvaravati civilization-based tourist attractions with a 0.05 level of significance level. As a result, the prediction was presented in the Equation: ŷ = 1.011 + (0.391Rta) + (0.184Bta) + (0.089Vot) + (0.103Tsf).
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