Exclusive Memorable Experiences in Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Exclusive memorable experiences, Tourism experiencesAbstract
The current businesses, especially those in the tourism and hospitality industry, have been shifted to strongly focus on memorable experiences obtained from products and services. Such memorable experiences allow tourists to recall their tourism experiences and therefore trigger their need to repeat those memorable experiences by returning to the same tourist destinations to receive the same memorable experiences again and again. The objectives of this article are to demonstrate the importance of experience and marketing theories as well as to show how to create them into practice in the tourism and hospitality industry. This article also showcases a variety of factors leading to exclusive memorable experiences among tourists. The review of literature in this article, therefore, lead to theoretical framework of exclusive memorable experiences which provides important insights in the tourism and hospitality industry. It was found that ten factors influencing exclusive memorable experiences among tourists. They are learning, meaningfulness, involvement, refreshment, interaction, novelty, hedonism, quality, prestige and conspicuousness.
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