Online reviews: Influence on Decision of the World Wide Web Consumer
Online reviews, Elaboratelikelihood theory, Central route, Peripheral route, OTAs websitesAbstract
The main consideration in online reviews is informing the experiences, assessments, and opinions of the consumer market. It is relatively recent phenomena in the tourism business. This electronic word of mouth (eWOM) communication becomes an e-channel for discussing products and services of brands, organizations or anything else. Based on the feature of the Internet, individuals, unpaid contributors, can create the user-generated content and is accessible via social media. Previous studies have shown that online reviews have important impacts on consumers’ decision to purchase. The present article examines consumers’ online reviews communication in theoretical perspective as well as analyzing the use of the central route and the peripheral route of consumers to consider online reviews. The suggestions provide an explanation for a tourism business organization’s long-term strategy. Online reviews, therefore, should be applied to marketing strategies and communication of the organization through these routes of thinking and consideration based on elaborate-likelihood theory.
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