Service Design of the Vehicle Rental for the Tourism Business in Chiang Mai by the Service Quality Analysis
Service design, Service quality, Vehicle rental businessAbstract
This research aims to analyze the service quality of the vehicle rentals for the tourism business in Chiang Mai by utilizing research instruments, which are quantitative and qualitative research. The data collection tools of quantitative research are a questionnaire gathered from 400 relevant Thai tourists who visited Chiang Mai selected by nonprobability sampling and accidental sampling techniques and qualitative research implemented structured interview and focus group from 6 entrepreneurs of the rental vehicle business in Chiang Mai obtained by snowball sampling. The researcher studied service quality from 2 concepts which are the concept of customer relationship management which consists of database, electronics, action, and retention. The other concept is customer experience management which consists of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The results from quantitative research show that the opinion about customer relationship management of vehicle rental in Chiang Mai at the highest level of all aspects. The highest aspect is retention, followed by electronics, database, and action, respectively. The results also identify 4 new elements from the factor analysis, which are data management system, online services, strategies strengthening relationships and creating loyalty. In addition, the opinion about customer experience management of vehicles rental in Chiang Mai at the highest level. The highest aspect is empathy, followed by responsiveness, assurance, reliability, and tangibles, respectively. The results also identify 5 new elements from the factor analysis which are consistency in service, build confidence professional, understanding and paying attention to the customer, service concrete and service readiness. The results from qualitative research show that the car rental entrepreneurs attempt to understand the needs of individual customers to offer the best services for customers. Therefore, service design is the design process to help develop service and is the most convenient to use and impress the most users by developing a mobile application for car rental.
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