Structural Model of the Impact of Autonomy and Career Satisfaction on Job Satisfaction in Teleworking Context
Autonomy, Career satisfaction, Job satisfaction, Structural equation modelAbstract
The study of a structural model evaluating the impact of autonomy and career satisfaction on job satisfaction in teleworking context aimed to scrutinize the casual relationship among autonomy, career satisfaction and job satisfaction. The research used a 2-step structural equation modelling approach based on review of related literature. The population and samples were selected from teleworking professionals in Thailand. Research tools were questionnaire with rating scales and a simple random sampling. The model fit, reliability and validity were analyzed by using a confirmatory factor analysis technique. A causal relationship was analyzed by structural model and path analysis. The results portrayed that the model was fitted with empirical data and yielded moderate reliability and validity. The results show a positive direct effect of autonomy to job satisfaction. Moreover, career satisfaction played as a partial mediator or indirect effect on the relationship between autonomy and job satisfaction. Based on the results, the organization should promote a high level of autonomy in a teleworking environment to ensure job satisfaction. Future research should be qualitative or mixed method to reach deep down for a richer result interpretation and a cohort or longitudinal research should be done so as to scrutinize these effects in the long term.
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